Expand Your World With Music
At Music World Retreats we partner with world-class musicians and together create small, intimate gatherings where people come together to play music, learn from the best, and enjoy good food and wine - all while in a supportive, non-competitive environment. These retreats are designed to inspire and delight while helping you tap into your creativity. Being guided by, and having the opportunity to interact and receive feedback from some of today’s most recognized performers will definitely expand your musicality, and take your playing to the next level.
Darol Anger leading a fiddle jam circle.
Some retreats are 3-day weekend getaways, others are longer events that can be considered a music mini-vacation. All are in beautiful locations. Regardless of the length of your music experience, what we value most is connection. Participants come from all over the world and many leave with long-lasting friendships. Some even invite a partner or family member along for the ride. One thing is for sure, there will be plenty of music-making and many extraordinary moments to remember.
Students practicing with Mike Marshall and Caterina Lichtenberg.
Sergio Assad reviews a passage with a student.